Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mortgage Cake

This story ( makes me want to put my scrotum on a bench vice and squeeze; until I can hit mezzo-soprano notes. The uplifting tale floating around is about a NJ woman that came up with a brilliant plan to get out of foreclosure, so what would set your friendly blog grouch off?
  • Angela Logan tries to get sympathy from people, when in fact she made bad decisions and now wants people to bail her out.
  • She even ripped of the original cake apple spice. She should have made a banana nut cake!
Here is the story:
"Ms. Logan had a home construction project to repair storm damage and make other improvements to her home. The contractor turned out to be less than honest and hit Logan with thousands of dollars in overcharges she hadn’t planned on. Then an agency that represented Logan in her work as an actor went under, taking thousands of dollars she had coming to her with it".(Mike contributor)

Now all of as sudden, people flock to hand 40 bucks of their hard earned money to help her get out of her mess. What is wrong with that you might say? Then consider the mortgage crisis. It was born out of the greed of financial institutions and individuals that, knowingly purchased Homes they could not afford. Well you know how the story the goes: the government decided to give all those bozo our money to bail them out.

Now it's people like Ms Logan that coming up with excuses- I got ripped off by my contractor and my job didn't pay me! So buy my expensive cake and bail me out of my blunder. Boo hoo! Hey, why not help all saps that have a sad tale. What’s next? Are people are going to start making cakes for any occasion for example: I got a parking ticket- $40 cake, I need to do the laundry $50 cake, a butterfly farted $60 cake. All this is a weird version of stone soup, except at the end of this tale you end with a pricey cake and get to feel good(if your dumb to fall for this scam). If you want to give your hard earned money to people that made stupid chooses; fine, I would love to get $49.99 from you.  In return I will send you in my finest hand writing, a thankful note. If this sounds stupid well it is (and so is giving people handouts when they make bad, selfish, financial choices). The best way to feel good about yourself is to stop enabling people and make your own damn cake. You may even find a con and make yourself some money.