Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hip, Hip...Hypocrisy!

Just when I though I would be able to sing again in a manly baritone; comes the story of Plaxico Buress   http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=ArwUJzL2E6V6ijfoyUnZtL8dsLYF?slug=ap-burress-weaponscharges&prov=ap&type=lgns&start_row=1#comments

and well...ma get the bench vice oil, cuz I’m going for a ride. 

People seem to have lost perspective when it comes to this case. This is an obvious abuse of power by the D.A. and Mayor. I have read most comments in this forum; and say that while valid points are made; most of the postings are from a sports fan point of view. I think most are angry at what they see as rich sports personality acting like a spoil brat. Well, the keyword seems to be “rich” and fans think that because they stupidly pony-up obscene amounts of cash, they should dictate the behavior of an individual in a free society. Fans grow frakking-up. And don't pay so much money on sports. The issue is clear, Burress made a series of bad choices that led him to where he is now:
Taking the gun without a valid permit. Taking a plea deal in NYC (NYC jurors are notorious for taking side of one of their own) One has to wonder why the Mayor and NYC DA went so far. Lets take a look:
Both the Mayor and the DA are white males, over 60; rich have an apparent blatant record of supporting white cops involved in shooting black males (black cops as well) always in favor of the white cops. (At worst they seem to get retraining, why not the same for Burress?) Now they claim that they needed to send a message to out of control sports celebrities. Really, other than being a jerk (as I read it not a sports fan. had to look at burgess history before posting) Burress had not been accused of any crimes, was trained in the use of handguns was licensed, and is a family man. Those 2 should just wave the confederate flag, and sing we put that uppity BOY in his place. Seems like a harsh statement on the 2 well consider; Morgenthau has been DA since 1977 and has been re-elected seven times. He has not been opposed in a general election since 1985 and at 90 carries all the dogmatic views of someone his age - The DA office is in need of transfusion of new blood.
According to Bloomberg, Burress is another spoil rich Celeb that thinks the rules doesn’t apply to or should be bent for him. Did he (Bloomy) forget his recent violations when ” Asked if he'd be interested in making it 16 years at City Hall, Bloomberg responded, "The law does not permit it." That's true - but it's also true that the limit was two four-year terms before he made a massive push to get the City Council to change the rules, even though voters twice said two terms were all a mayor should get". (BY Celeste Katz DAILY NEWS CITY HALL BUREAU) http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2009/07/31/2009-07-31_mike_might_even_mull_a_fourth_term.html
I have only respect for the law; but when it fails, as in this case; I feel a message needs to be sent specifically to the geriatric duo. If you can rape the law then Burress, who is mostly harmless should get a get out of jail free card.