Sunday, October 25, 2009

American Idiots

In responce to The Nobel Antidote
An honorable decision not to award a prize.

You Mango and Applebaum do make a lovely fruit salad, your opinions however, are not so palatable, I initially disagreed with the decision the award President Obama the Nobel Peace price mainly because the short time he has been in office. Reading similar stories the wisdom of the Nobel committee is clear. We faced 8yr that changed the way the nation thinks collectively, you said "BO and Socialist Democrats and Bureaucratic Czars... are actually trying to deconstruct our Constitution, Bill of Rights and our Democratic Republic and replace it with a hybrid of socialism, fascism, Marxism and communism."
Divisive, inaccurate, they are trying to give the American way back to Americans; the Bush Administration r@ped the Constitution, Bill of Rights- think of free speech zones> where were you guys then, standing in front of the white house in protest? or were you too busy with bring back our troops signs or chanting mindlessly G_d bless America?-Now of course people question, speak-up when TPOTUS is honored by the international community. We truly are a Nation of American Idiots.