Thursday, September 17, 2009

I expect to be admonished for this.

My response to Arianna Huffington's article:
The Sad, Shocking Truth About How Women Are Feeling-


Money, Money, Money, Money, Money...As a man I don't pretend that I can speak for Women (Hell, I can't even speak for myself on most days) So imagine how trilled I am to hear, Marcus Buckingham will be on this very forum, to tell those silly little things in mini skirts we call women why their lives suck. I have a deep affinity for self-help, self-promoting, Pabulum Puking, self-discovering gurus. I do declare, he must secretly have a vagina. He speaks on the following topics: "What's Happening to Women's Happiness?" Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently," How does he keep his suits free of milk stains when he's lactating? Genious move, let a guy speak on womens issues. I think a man is the best choice for this topic, who else could write about the struggles of successful women YOU? a woman (pssft!)
Reading your article Ms.Money, Money, Money, Money, Money...Sorry Ms. Huffington, it would seem that since the 70's regardless of their lot in live, pesky women seem hell-bent on being miserable. All I can offer is that mayyyybe; it has to do with the money thing. Consider the following, as women began to take a bigger role in society, they were still expected to “bring home the bacon and fry it-up in a pan” not to mention balance check books, clean the house, wipe dirty bottoms, act like almighty deities and satisfy men’s sexual needs (straight, BI-SEXUAL and everything in between). As to why men seem to become happier I am perplexed, maybe I’ll ask the fellas next time we play our three times a-week golf game. I’m loving this, now (I have always been in absolute awe of my wife’s ability to put-up with my neurosis, her unyielding quiet strength and goodness) I get to tell my wife to stop her winning, because it is she who’s causing her own discontent. Maybe she should get a second job, have you seen green fees lately? Money, Money, Money, Money, Money...