Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm Moderate(d)

Nettrice- I love you for being an American that is so passionate for OUR country.

Before u have the Feds drag me off to Abu Ghraib or label me a worst monster than Polanski consider what I am has been all knee jerk reactions since 911 we allowed the constitution to be raped by GWB - we have lost what we should treasure the most-being an American.
Being an American meant that, if someone disagreed with us we did our best to not censor them; while at the same time, not allowing chaos from radical minds to take root. Now it is all about being a generically homogeneous American (Devoid of voicing an unpopular opinion, belief, or idea). Today unless you bless America on regular intervals you’re labeled anti-American, I have wept at this new America. I long for the nation that demanded accountability from all of its citizens, The Obama Admin has begun to give a small measure of hope for what we lost. I, am an American, I am AN AMERICAN, I AM AN AMERICAN!
You want to talk about security risks? Our nation seems hell bent in letting the forces of Atrophy win.
As for public forums (they were supposed to serve all) It would be enough to post a disclaimer condone such actions without censor ship, is it to much to ask our citizenry to use common sense?
All I’m asking that we get all the facts first an opinion is not treason!
Not that I need to but I deplore the cowardly, bigoted, illogical tone of the poll,
But if is deemed that no crime has been committed then let the moron have his opinion.
I fear this could have devastating effects for public forums-get ready for stricter censorship, oops! Moderation.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Keep track of your bits, it matters.

(This actually means something)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I expect to be admonished for this.

My response to Arianna Huffington's article:
The Sad, Shocking Truth About How Women Are Feeling-


Money, Money, Money, Money, Money...As a man I don't pretend that I can speak for Women (Hell, I can't even speak for myself on most days) So imagine how trilled I am to hear, Marcus Buckingham will be on this very forum, to tell those silly little things in mini skirts we call women why their lives suck. I have a deep affinity for self-help, self-promoting, Pabulum Puking, self-discovering gurus. I do declare, he must secretly have a vagina. He speaks on the following topics: "What's Happening to Women's Happiness?" Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently," How does he keep his suits free of milk stains when he's lactating? Genious move, let a guy speak on womens issues. I think a man is the best choice for this topic, who else could write about the struggles of successful women YOU? a woman (pssft!)
Reading your article Ms.Money, Money, Money, Money, Money...Sorry Ms. Huffington, it would seem that since the 70's regardless of their lot in live, pesky women seem hell-bent on being miserable. All I can offer is that mayyyybe; it has to do with the money thing. Consider the following, as women began to take a bigger role in society, they were still expected to “bring home the bacon and fry it-up in a pan” not to mention balance check books, clean the house, wipe dirty bottoms, act like almighty deities and satisfy men’s sexual needs (straight, BI-SEXUAL and everything in between). As to why men seem to become happier I am perplexed, maybe I’ll ask the fellas next time we play our three times a-week golf game. I’m loving this, now (I have always been in absolute awe of my wife’s ability to put-up with my neurosis, her unyielding quiet strength and goodness) I get to tell my wife to stop her winning, because it is she who’s causing her own discontent. Maybe she should get a second job, have you seen green fees lately? Money, Money, Money, Money, Money...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

All, You, Your Family, Pygmy Frogs, Jimmy Choo, Lichen, will Die on 2012

Sooo,What are you waitng for? Spend all your retirement money, Have an affair on your (insert expletive here_____) mate, Kill someone who you feel deserves it, have a sex change and the change it back or be neutered. Come-on do it...No you say. Why? Oh yeah because deep down you know its all crap.G_d is the manifestation of destruction in the human psyche.
But to those who still like cling to superstition I propose the following. make a list of 5 things, beliefs, that you question; other that your-own. Then state in any way, why you think each is wrong, false, caca, ect...Too hard i'll give you some to start you off:

Judeo-Christian G_d
Moon Landing
Any product featuring Billy Mays as a spookman(sorry,spokesman)

Share your list with you friends, and have them make their own. Go over the lists and you will see that some of your beliefs are viewed as wrong or ridiculed by others; impossible, heresy you're always right you're beliefs are the why the dissention by others? Because no matter what humans still gravitate to myths, strange tales;even the morbid ones in order to explain why we are here, and how all will end.( and all prose to have the superior truth) So no harm believe what you will because I know one thing (maybe more) The world will end when:

the G_d of the Bible calls for judgement day!
for more info see-

The G_d of Islam: the day of judgment, when all will be judged according to their deeds, and
admitted to Paradise or to hell.

The G_d of The Talmud:
According to Jewish tradition, those living during the end times will see:
1. Ingathering of the scattered Jewish exiles to geographic Israel,
2. Defeat of all of Israel's enemies,
3. Building (or divine placement) of the third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and the resumption of the sacrificial offerings and Temple service,
4. Revival of the Dead (techiat hameitim), or the Resurrection,
5. At some point, the Jewish Messiah will become the anointed King of Israel. He will divide the Jews in Israel into their original tribal portions in the land. During this time, Gog, king of Magog Ezekiel 39, will attack Israel.

The Hindu G_ds : (330 million +)
In Hinduism, there is no eternal damnation of souls or end times. After this evil Kali yuga ends, the next yuga or epoch would be Satya yuga where everyone will be righteous, followed by Treta yuga,Dwapara yuga and then another Kali Yuga. Thus time is cyclical and the epochs keep repeating infinitely. However, the extent of tolerable evil and degradation in each epoch is different and therefore the threshold that is necessary for the manifestation of God's incarnation is different for each yuga. The current yuga is the most evil and so the threshold for the appearance of the avatar is so high that the world needs to degrade to the maximum levels.

The G_d of the maya:
The astronomically-based Mayan calendar will be completing its first great cycle of approximately 5,200 years on the 21 December 2012. Although there is no substantial evidence that the ancient Maya considered the date significant, many people have postulated that this is the "end of the Universe" from the Mayan perspective, and others believe that the Mayans meant this to symbolize the "coming of a great change."
the gods of the Maya groups believe that the universe has been renewed four previous times. The first attempt at human life produced animals instead; the second produced a people made of clay who would eventually become certain insects (such as ants and bees); the third attempt produced monkeys; and the fourth attempt produced us: "true humans." Each prior attempt at the human creation was destroyed by a different catastrophe which ended the universe. These stories vary by Maya group: the animals were nearly destroyed by a flood, the people of clay were nearly destroyed by a flood and then a global firestorm, the monkey-people were attacked by their own belongings and their animals.

The G_d of the Rastafarians:
Rastafarians have a unique interpretation of the end times, based on the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation. They believe Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie is God incarnate, the King of kings and Lord of lords mentioned in Revelation 5:5. While on the one hand Selassie's crowning was seen as the second coming, and events such as the Second Italo-Ethiopian War were seen as fulfillments of biblical and specifically Revelation prophecy there is also expectation that Selassie will call a day of judgment, when he will bring home the lost children of Israel (the black peoples taken out of Africa during the slave trade) to live with him in peace, love and harmony in the Mount Zion in Africa.

Scientology: Olny the G_ds know! (let all jump on couches)

The G_d of science (I decided he should be Carl Sagan-too bad if you disagree, this is not a democracy here)
In my dream, I could read the "Book of Worlds", a vast encyclopedia of a billion planets within the Milky Way. What could the galactic computer tell me about this now darkened world? They must have survived some earlier catastrophe. Their biology was different from ours. High technology. I wondered what those lights had been for; there must have been signs they were in trouble. The possibility of survival in a century -- less than one percent, not very good odds. Communications interrupted. Their world society had failed; they had made the ultimate mistake. I felt a longing to return to earth.
The television transmissions from earth rushed past me, expanding away from our planet at the speed of light. Then suddenly -- silence, total and absolute. But the dream was not yet done.
Had we destroyed our home? What had we done to the earth? There had been many ways for life to perish at our hands; we had poisoned the air and water; we had ravaged the land. Perhaps we had changed the climate. Could it have been a plague or nuclear war? I remembered the galactic computer. What would it say about the earth?
There was our region of the galaxy; there was our world. I had found the entry for earth: HUMANITY: THIRD FROM THE SUN. They had heard our television broadcasts and thought them an application for cosmic citizenship. Our technology had been growing enormously (they got that right). Two hundred nation states, about six global powers, the potential to become one planet. Probability of survival over a century -- here, also, less than one percent. So, it was nuclear war, a full nuclear exchange.
There would be no more big questions, no more answers. Never again a love or a child; no descendents to remember us and be proud; no more voyages to the stars, no more songs from the earth.
I saw east Africa and thought, "a few million years ago we humans took our first steps there. Our brains grew and changed. The old parts began to be guided by the new parts, and this made us human -- with compassion and foresight and reason. But, instead, we listened to that reptilian voice within us, counseling fear, territoriality and aggression. We accepted the products of science; we rejected its methods".
Maybe the reptiles will evolve intelligence once more. Perhaps, one day, there will be civilizations again on earth. There will be life, there will be intelligence; but there will be no more humans -- not here, not in a billion worlds.

As listed above one thing is clear the world will end. I fear that all the conflicting ideologies, will be the cause of the destruction of the world. Rendering all ideologies right, but none to claim victory, nor eternal life.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. [Carl Sagan]

Ideologies are Quoted from