Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm Moderate(d)

Nettrice- I love you for being an American that is so passionate for OUR country.

Before u have the Feds drag me off to Abu Ghraib or label me a worst monster than Polanski consider what I am has been all knee jerk reactions since 911 we allowed the constitution to be raped by GWB - we have lost what we should treasure the most-being an American.
Being an American meant that, if someone disagreed with us we did our best to not censor them; while at the same time, not allowing chaos from radical minds to take root. Now it is all about being a generically homogeneous American (Devoid of voicing an unpopular opinion, belief, or idea). Today unless you bless America on regular intervals you’re labeled anti-American, I have wept at this new America. I long for the nation that demanded accountability from all of its citizens, The Obama Admin has begun to give a small measure of hope for what we lost. I, am an American, I am AN AMERICAN, I AM AN AMERICAN!
You want to talk about security risks? Our nation seems hell bent in letting the forces of Atrophy win.
As for public forums (they were supposed to serve all) It would be enough to post a disclaimer condone such actions without censor ship, is it to much to ask our citizenry to use common sense?
All I’m asking that we get all the facts first an opinion is not treason!
Not that I need to but I deplore the cowardly, bigoted, illogical tone of the poll,
But if is deemed that no crime has been committed then let the moron have his opinion.
I fear this could have devastating effects for public forums-get ready for stricter censorship, oops! Moderation.


  1. I just think it's cool that you posted your response to my H.P. comment on your personal blog. That's so Web 2.0! I actually paid attention in grammar school civics class and I greatly appreciate our ability to discuss these gray areas of free speech civilly. On one hand I see online forums as virtual "free speech zones" but I do think some people abuse their rights to free speech online (anonymously). I mean rules are meant to be broken but it is a good thing to protect our POTUS. Removing the poll was necessary and I think we can agree to disagree on this one issue.

  2. You are sounding like a real jack hole right now. What you fail to realize as you sit in some cafe squatting all day with your cool MacBook Pro open, sipping on your latte is that there is a responsibility that comes with freedom speech.

    It is this type of rhetoric that fueled the Holocaust "should we kill the Jews" said the ignorant Germans, that allowed citizens of this country to turn a blind eye as black men were lynched for sport "shall we kill the black man" said the red neck Ku Klux Klan, that allowed local law enforcement ignored the bombings of synagogues and black churches "shall we scare the Jews and the nigras of this land" said the red necks again and that allows modern day legislation to ignore hate crimes against gay/lesbian. You can guess the rest.

    A mind that creates something as senseless as "should we kill our president" may not be dangerous to you Miserable Grouch but there is a collective in this country who are proud Americans despite these atrocities and will not stand for this ignorance to rear its ugly head again. What a privilege it is to be you sipping your latte, with your MacBook, blogging about things you know nothing about....
